ASTYM – Can it help you?

by:  Robert Cervantez (PT/CSCS/ASTYM Certified)

It is a proven form of treatment that has been around for several years with very good outcomes.

What is ASTYM?

ASTYM is a treatment approach used on soft tissue injuries to reduce pain and increase function. It

Working ASTYM on the Forearm.

utilizes specially created instruments to mobilize the soft tissue and stimulate the body’s own healing mechanism for tissue remodeling in patients with degenerative soft tissue, fibrosis or chronic inflammation. This technique is at the fore front of non-invasive treatments for healing.

How does it work?

It is believed that ASTYM works by breaking down the dysfunctional tissue (adhesions, fibrosis, scar, etc.) and stimulating the normal body healing process. This is initiated by controlled microtraumas (i.e. use of instruments) for the restoration, regeneration and remodeling of the fibrosis/scar tissue and collagen. The tissue is influenced by specific stretching, exercise and physical activity. Where conventional treatment requires you to stop all outside physical activity, ASTYM does not. ASTYM wants you remain active in your job or sport to remodel the healing tissue along the lines of stress that it usually encounters on daily basis.

Who can benefit from ASTYM?

All types of individuals can benefit from the ASTYM system: from the everyday worker to the high level athlete. Moreover, any individual experience pain, loss of range of motion, loss of function following surgery or trauma, chronic irritation/tendonitis may benefit from this technique.

How is ASTYM different?

ASTYM is well supported by clinical outcomes and science with regard to its effectiveness. It has been demonstrated to be successful when other approaches have failed. It may decrease the need for surgical intervention. And again, ASTYM allows you to remain physically active while healing while re-establishing function.

Conditions that have responded well to ASTYM

Carpal tunnel, lateral/medial epicondylitis, DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis, shoulder pain, wrist sprains, chronic ankle sprains, hamstring strains, plantar fascitis, Achilles/patella tendonitis, IT band pain, post surgical scarring, & fibrosis, hip/shoulder bursitis, low back/SI pain and chronic tendinopathies to list a few..

ASTYM can only be administered by a trained and certified ASTYM clinician.  An ASTYM clinician can be located by going to